2020 has been an awful year for so many people and for so many reasons. I had so many plans for the year, as I’m sure did so many others, and very few of them came to pass. All the shows I hoped to see. All the writing I hoped to do. All the life I hoped to live… It’s...
It’s been a long road but I’ve finally made it to a major milestone for my book: the first draft of The Burning Ash is complete. After all the bumps along the way, approximately one and a half years later, it’s finally done. Battling depression, trying to maintain a...
I spent far longer away from my novel than I had planned to but now I’m finally back on track to finish this thing once and for all. Funnily enough, I’m coming right back into it all at the climax of my story when the final battle is about to take place. I’ve always...
“And there was a voice, a high clear, female voice, which said “Ow”, and then, very quietly, it said “Fuck”, and then it said “Ow”, once more.” ― Neil Gaiman, Stardust (Source) I recently finished reading Stardust and it got me to...
Earlier this week I hit an important milestone: I’m officially half-way through writing the first draft of my book! The process has most definitely not been smooth, but the camel’s back is finally getting broken. As I begin the journey into the second half, I feel as...