A poem to voice some of the frustrations I’ve been having in trying to get any decent progress made on Book 2. Just a little something to try to get me writing something at least. Pen to Paper I’m trying to write I’m failing though, right? Every time that I try...
If there’s one thing I didn’t quite realise before getting a dog, it was how difficult it can be to find the time to do anything when you have a child. And yes, my puppy Milo is my child in this context, because of course he is. Before, I could just go and do...
If my blog post for May 2021 was any indication, my mental health has been struggling as of late. It all came to a head at the start of this month and I’ve needed to take some time to check in with myself and figure out what I can do to improve my current...
The world may have gone to hell right now, but 1st April 2020 marks a very special day in my calendar. On this day, one year ago, ‘The Burning Ash’ was finally released. It was a dream come true for my passion project, which took over a decade of my life...
It’s been a long road but I’ve finally made it to a major milestone for my book: the first draft of The Burning Ash is complete. After all the bumps along the way, approximately one and a half years later, it’s finally done. Battling depression, trying to maintain a...
I spent far longer away from my novel than I had planned to but now I’m finally back on track to finish this thing once and for all. Funnily enough, I’m coming right back into it all at the climax of my story when the final battle is about to take place. I’ve always...