Finding Inspiration for Fight Scenes

Finding Inspiration for Fight Scenes

-Warning: Post may contain spoilers for films or games you have not experienced yet. That said, they are necessary examples for what I am about to discuss, so please forgive me for any major spoilers.- When you think of novels, you don’t tend to think of the fight...
Outfitting My Characters

Outfitting My Characters

I hit a bit of writer’s block the other day when working on my novel. I was trying to get myself going when I realised I no longer had a firm idea of how I wanted my protagonist to look. I used to have an idea when I wrote the novel the first time but I don’t think I...
Re-Writing The Novel

Re-Writing The Novel

A mock-up logo idea for Their Grande Finale Anybody who has known me in the past seven years generally knows that my dream job is to be an author. The majority have also been told that I’ve been working on my first book for a long time, starting at the age of 14. With...